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“Write. Publish. Be Red.” – Four Steps to Indie Book Publishing Success

Why do you write? What do you want to say? To whom do you want to say it? Do you have something more to say?

As Redbrush arrived on the scene in 2014, offering a full menu of indie publishing services, the self-publishing industry is still expanding as if from some Big Bang of creative energy. The number of published works exploded in 2012 by 59%. The number of single-title authors grew at an amazing rate. This reveals that—just as we’ve said for years—everyone has at least a single book in them. But only one?

As surely as we believe every person has a single book in them, Redbrush believes that most of those spirited creative writers who choose to publish a single work have at least one more book project cautiously waiting in the recesses of their mind, wondering if it will ever be realized. Why won’t those projects be realized?

Considering the number of first-time authors who choose a vanity press publishing model, it’s easy to imagine that a high percentage of authors who thought they were self-publishing realized too late that they were paying to be published and, for all practical purposes, gave up the publishing rights and control over their book project from the first step. It’s hard to stay motivated about your book when you realize that your publisher’s primary motivation is not to help you sell a better book, but to get as much money from its author as they can and then simply get the book “out there.” If the book does well, the vanity press publisher benefits. If it doesn’t, they’re not out a dime. The author’s paid for everything up front.
Needless to say—unless their goal is only to have their books “out there”—authors are not likely to be fooled twice by this model. If that is the only success they seek, they won’t be disappointed.

Redbrush invites authors to indie-publish their books through a true self-publishing model. Authors retain their own ISBN, create their own indie-publishing entity, hold onto their publishing rights, and control every aspect of their book’s journey to the bookselling marketplace. But Redbrush’s model is very different from the linear, dead-ending process of the vanity press publishers and even other publishing services providers. Ours is a four-step cycle that helps any author publish their next project too, and the next, and the next. Here’s how.

1) Write.

Writers write. Redbrush encourages authors to write and continually hone their craft. We’ll offer great resources through our site to help writers evolve their voice and experience. Writers read, too. Author Stephen King promotes reading as >2) Publish.

Nothing makes one a published author without … publishing. Redbrush makes it easy to indie-publish your own works and get them into the marketplace. We can help authors with printed books, eBooks, audiobooks, and authored Web content, to build an author’s platform and brand. Making your writings available in published form is a first and important step. This is the place where vanity press publishers call it “good” and move on to the next … customer.

3) Succeed.

This is what makes all the difference. This is what’s missing from other publishing options. If your book isn’t reaching your desired destination of success—your identified goals and readers—it’s simply treading water in a sea of hundreds of thousands of other book products. Right from the very first conversations, Redbrush navigators help authors identify what they want to accomplish with their book and who their targeted reader audiences are. Would it surprise you to know that no one else in the industry will spend this time with you to help you determine what success you want to achieve? Redbrush is uniquely capable of helping any author do their very best to reach whatever level of success they’ve defined and targeted. If you’ve got the quality product to please your readers, we can give you the best chance to reach your goals.

4) Repeat.

“Repeat” means two things. First, if reaching broad audiences is important, then publishing your book in eBook form and in other popular formats is a must. Having many editions of your title available helps you maximize your reach in the marketplace. It’s also possible to share other editions with your audience as premiums and giveaways to nurture your relationship with them as you work on additional projects.

“Repeat” also means working on your next book project. Chances are, once you’ve experienced the full breadth of Redbrush’s services and assistance, your next inspired project will demand your attention with greater confidence and a desire to breathe, too.

“Write. Publish. Be Red.” … that is, succeed and repeat. Your success with Redbrush is what will make the difference in your indie-publishing experience. Reaching your identified goals is what will bring you greater confidence as you choose whether or not to repeat your process with other products and/or titles. We think you will, building a platform and brand to help you reach your readers and audiences.

Redbrush is here to help. Let’s build some books together, and repeat, and repeat again.